
October 2023 | Key Priorities & Updates
October 17, 2023
Major October 2023 Congressional priorities including Speaker of the House Elections & Aid to Israel, as well as New England Delegation Activities.

Maine Ballot Questions
October 2, 2023
On November 7th, Mainers will head to the polls to cast a ballot for their local Mayor and council and will be presented with a set of important referendum questions that will shape the future of the state in different ways.

How To Become A Thought Leader
September 15, 2023
What is the best way to break out from the crowd and get noticed?In public relations getting noticed is sometimes as simple as speaking out and having something valuable to say about what you do best.

Maine 131st End of Session Wrap Up
August 17, 2023
The Maine Legislature wrapped up one of the longest sessions in recent history around 5 AM on Wednesday, July 28 – a month and a half behind schedule.